Zeo-Streu (EcoTraction)

Zeo Trade has a distribution/license agreement with Earth Innovation Inc. ( Kanada)

et_product_2The core product  Eco Traction, Zeo Trade distributes and build up the brand and the marketing in Germany, further countries may follow.

The world’s safest and most effective alternative to de-icers to help prevent slips and falls on icy surfaces. EcoTraction is the perfect eco-friendly road salt alternative product for consumers, businesses and cities that:

  • care about the environment;
  • demand the best winter traction available;
  • need instant traction for freezing rain or car emergencies;
  • need to protect concrete or stone walkways;
  • are concerned about pet and animal health;
  • desire beautiful, healthy lawns & landscaping;
  • want to reduce potential slip & fall liabilities;
  • buy products that provide exceptional value.


Eco Traction is distributed in Germany under the label ZeoStreu.


further Information: www.zeo-streu.de